Yale in Cambridge

The aim of Yale in Cambridge events is to create a space for any Yalies studying, working, residing nearby or associated with Cambridge in any capacity to connect, share ideas and have fun!

In September 2018, Markus Gehring and Amy Klohr hosted Vera Duo: Yale musicians and faculty members Mark Bailey (Baroque Viola) and Kevin Sherwin (Guitar) gave a recital of several centuries of music for their unique combination of instruments, laced with narrative about the origins of each.  The audience of 70+ proceeded from recital to drinks reception, and a group of us continued the conversation over dinner.  Seven new alumni connections were made that night, and the Vera Duo will be coming back to Cambridge.

The event launches what we hope might be the first of many events welcoming the combined alumni of Yale and Hughes Hall, and Hughes Hall would welcome a wider audience of alums to future events, musical or otherwise.

As for Cambridge events more generally, your ideas would be most welcome.  Do please get in touch to let us know what sort of events you might enjoy.

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